Friday, May 5, 2017

Therapy time

I don't remember what class the topic of the amount of time of therapy that a person gets came up in but it sparked a conversation between my mom and I after class. She was telling me the amount of therapy that my grandpa said that he had that day (3 hours) in the facility that he is in. She mentioned that she didn't think that it was right that he got that much time when my Poppa only got about 30 minutes of therapy when he was in the same facility. I brought up the information we went over in class that you have to gauge the amount of therapy that a person receives by what they can handle- not the amount that they can sit there for but the amount that doesn't push them to being so exhausted that they don't want to do anything else. Pushing the person past the point of what they can handle is something that as therapist we should think about and be cautious not to do. Once a person's energy is gone they have no drive to do anything else and therefore therapy is sort of counter productive.

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