Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A Little of my Story

"Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you will look back, and realize they were the big things"

Last January I had to make one of the hardest, if not the hardest decision of my life. I always thought the hardest decision I would make would be when I get older and have a family. I had to decide whether or not to put off my dreams for a year to better my own mental health or to risk my dream and hope to push through. While for some people this would have not seemed like a big deal, for me it was devastating. You see, I am a planner and I like to know how things are going to happen and what is before me, so my plan being destroyed, while only temporarily, destroyed me. I have never really struggled when it came to making grades, so not doing well when I applied myself the most I ever had, shook me to my core. I felt like I wasn't good enough and questioned if I was doing what I should be doing in my life. So that is the background for my post and why this quote has really made me think about what are the important things in my life.

While I was back living at my parent's house at the hardest time of my life, I met a family that in time became more than just a family; they became my family. This family needed a babysitter during the day due to their kids having surgery and not yet being able to go to daycare again. My mom and their mom, Amanda, are friends and mom asked if I would be willing to do it. I said sure since I didn't have anything else to do. Little did I know that those two little kids, Grace and Cooper, would become two of the biggest things in my life. Like I said, I basically did it since I didn't have anything to do (and I love kids.) I met their family and instantly felt a connection with them. I am always somebody who wants to help people when they need it. This family needed help. Little did I know at the time, I needed their help more than they needed mine.

I had no idea at the time that I got involved with this family that Amanda had been praying for somebody to love her kids and somebody who wanted to spend time with them for almost a year. I'm not sure if Amanda knew that I needed a purpose. I know that God knew both of our situations and knew we would become family. I have always loved the kids I babysit but sometimes the parents are a different story. Not with this family... each one of them has impacted my life and I love each one of them.

Anyway as the year went on, I continued babysitting Grace and Cooper when their mom and dad would text me. It gradually got to where I would text Amanda and ask she and her husband, Jody, to go on a date night so I could keep her kids. Despite having two little kids running around and playing, being with Grace and Cooper rejuvenated me and renewed my spirits many times through out that year (and still do.)  Their mom always tells me thank you for loving her kids as much as I do but what she doesn't know is that her kids made me love my life again. Grace and Cooper made me smile, remember why I wanted to go to OT school, and helped me realize that my world wasn't over.

I guess the purpose of this post is just to say not to over look the little things (or people) in your life because they can make a huge impact in your life.

1 comment:

  1. This post brought tears to my eyes and warms my heart, Sarah. I applaud the courage it must have taken to put these words down on paper (in a digital sense, ha). There is so much that goes into the fabric of our lives. Thank you for sharing this glimpse into your life.
